

    After reviewing the specified chapters from the Tophat interactive textbook as well as taking the assigned self-assessment, I have analyzed my blog and come to a somewhat bleak conclusion. While I personally feel that my blog does meet all rubric criteria as far as the individual posts, the overall layout of my blog could use some improvement. Reconfiguring the design of my blog would likely enhance the general aesthetic thereby appealing more to readers. Furthermore, I plan to implement more gadgets/widgets in addition to multimodality by incorporating more images, hyperlinks, and other interactive features. Personally, formatting is the most stressful aspect of composing a post for my blog and I typically spend almost an unreasonable amount of time doing so. Likewise, I often worry that my tone will not convey to the reader the way I intend since I am slowly but surely developing my writer’s voice – one that is fairly formal with the occasional witty humor to lighten the mood of the post. However, I do feel that I genuinely devote my voice to my blog and strive to construct posts that I can take pride in so, as a result, I ensure that my post has proper grammar, mechanics, and readability. In all honesty, I think my meticulousness derives from the anxiety of writing on a public platform since my experience with blogs is limited. Nonetheless, I have discovered a world of knowledge regarding blogs and I hope to continue expanding upon this newfound information. In order to insure success in my blogging endeavors, I need to better manage my time so that I can allot more time for working on my blog. I wouldn’t say that I’m necessarily poor with time management but I will affirmatively declare that the time I have to manage is very finite. Between being a full-time student, employee, and single mother, I struggle to maintain a balance in which I exceed in all three major areas of my life. Regardless, I strongly believe that, with time, an ideal harmony can be achieved and, respectively, my blog will reflect as such.





“Tips for Doctor Blogging | Medical Marketing Blog.” Vanguard             Communications, 13 Dec. 2011        tips-for-successful-blogging/.



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